I have a few topics in mind for a research paper. Any tips to help me decide on a topic?


One good way is to start your search in Ebscohost. See description below. Conduct a search to see how much content is available on a topic. You may find one topic is obscure and an adequate amount of content is not available. Newer topics may have few articles available. During the search you may find related topics that can help you redirect and select the best topic for your assignment. Other tips include choosing topics that are of interest to you, and one that is manageable. For more tips check out the Searching Basics page in this research guide.


All EBSCOhost databases, cross-searchable, providing coverage for journal articles and other information in academic disciplines. Databases included are described on the database selection page. Many include links to full text of the articles indexed.

  • Last Updated Feb 11, 2021
  • Views 15
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